Celebrating Successes

Term One, 2011
Week One:
Certificate of Achievement - "Bronlee"
- Stepping up as a responsible Year 2 role-model and helping others be the best they can be.
Student of the Week - "Samuel"
- Starting 2011 with a fantastic positive "can do" attitude and already giving his best.

Week Two:
Certificate of Achievement - "Sean"
- Great unassisted writing using personal voice and adjectives.
Student of the Week – “Joshua”
- Enthusiasm and dedication to improving his reading. 

Week Three:
Certificate of Achievement - "Devonte"
- Effort and improvement in word work and handwriting.
Student of the Week - "Rion"
- Being a responsible learner and approaching all learning with a positive 'can do' attitude.

Week Four:
Certificate of Achievement - "Hayden - Room 5"
- Effort and dedication in following instructions to learn new skills to help in swimming racing.
Student of the Week - "Chloe L"
- Being a responsible learner and consistently displaying Kura Kid qualities in all aspects of school life.

Week Five:
Certificate of Achievement - "Madison"
- Spectacular oral language skills and a vast vocabulary.
Student of the Week - "Conor"
- Excellent effort in writing and being an outstanding 'peer-tutor' in class.

Week Six:
Certificate of Achievement - "Sean"
- Outstanding effort and improvement in reading, achieving well above standard.
Student of the Week - "Chloe G"
- Excellent effort in all areas of learning and managing herself.

Week Seven:
Certificate of Achievement - "Shianne"
- Excellent effort in maths and writing and becoming an independent learner.
Student of the Week - "Benjamin Y"
- Outstanding concentration and effort in all areas of learning and managing himself.

Week Eight:
Student of Week - "Ben S"
- Making an outstanding start to your schooling journey.
Student of the Week - "Kate"
- Making an outstanding start to your schooling journey.

Week Nine:
Student of Week - "Liam"
- Effort and a positive attitude to all learning activities
Student of the Week - "Dylan"
- Well thought out and planned content in his letter writing

Week Ten:
Student of Week - "Jacob"
- Excellent effort, improvement and a positive attitude to Reading and Writing.
Achievement - "Brendon"
- Effort and improvement in Word Work and Writing independently with confidence.

Week Eleven:
Student of Week - "Bronlee"
- Being there for her friends and always being willing to go the extra mile.
Achievement - "Liam"
- Amazing work throughout the term in class and with Mrs Goodwin.

Term One - Reading Award

Term Two
Week One:
Student of Week - "Madison"
- Fantastic effort in all areas of her learning and having a great positive attitude.
Achievement - "Bronlee"
-Wonderful descriptive environmental writing. 

Week Two:
Student of Week - "Sean"
- Overall outstanding effort, attitude and achievement in all areas of learning.
Achievement - "Liam"
- Excellent progress in reading and developing sight word recognition.

Week Three:
Student of Week - "Shawney"
- Making a great enthusiastic start to her school life.
Achievement - "Joshua"
- Excellent knowledge and use of letter sounds to help him in reading and writing.

Week Four:
Student of Week - "Dylan"
- Giving 110% effort and focus in his learning and behaviour to be the best he can be.
Achievement - "Devonte"
- Carefully recording sounds he can hear to assist his independent writing.

Week Five:
Student of Week - "Rikardo"
- Welcome to Room One and Kuranui School, we are looking forward to seeing you become a great Kura Kid.
Super Reader Award - "Chloe L"
- Making excellent progress and consistent effort in her reading.

Week Six:
Great Progress - "Samuel"
- Excellent effort and improvement solving maths number problems using money.
Great Progress - "Ben S"
- Awesome effort and a positive attitude towards reading and writing.

Week Seven:
No certificates presented as Teachers Only Day

Week Eight:
Great Progress - "Conor"
- Excellent effort and improvement in Science, Maths and Descriptive Writing.
Great Progress - "Kate"
- Excellent effort and improvement in Art, Science and Maths.

Week Nine:
Super Effort Award - "Samuel"
- Amazing effort and a super positive and helpful attitude to our school stream planting.
Great Progress - "Brendon"
- Developing beautiful fluency and expression in his reading

Week Ten:
Great Progress - "Shianne"
- Making great progress in her Reading and Spelling
Great Progress - "Benjamin Y"
- Reading with fluency and expression, integrating different strategies to work out words.
Great Progress - "Brendon"
- Huge progress in spelling, improving his spelling age by 18 months.
Great Progress - "Sean"
- Huge progress in spelling, improving his spelling age by 22 months.

Week Eleven:
Great Progress - "Bronlee"
- Developing excellent comprehension and retell skills in reading, truely reading for meaning!
Great Progress - "Shawney"
- Developing a growing knowledge of letters and the sounds they make to use in reading and writing.

Term Two - Reading Award

Term Three
Week One
Student of Week - "Salmaan"
- Making an outstanding start to your schooling journey.
Achievement - "Brendon"
- Being a responsible independent learner reading every day during the school holidays.

Week Two
Student of Week - "Conor"
- Developing leadership skills and consistently being a positive role model inside and outside the classroom.
Student of Week - "Ben S"
- Developing focus and concentration and consistently being a positive role model inside the classroom.

Week Three
Achievement - "Bronlee"
Excellence in writing - adding imagery and specific descriptive details. Well done on your first "2B".
Achievement - "Sean"
Excellence in writing - adding imagery and specific descriptive details. Well done on your first "2B".

Week Four
Achievement - "Madison"
Focus and improvement leading to excellent progress in Reading and Writing.
Student of Week - "Samuel"
Effort, focus and excellent manners when working with outside of school experts.

Week Five
Student of Week - "Trinesh"
Welcome to Room 1, congratulations on making a great positive start to becoming an awesome Kura Kid.
Achievement - "Benjamin Y"
Excellent progress and effort in Reading with fantastic comprehension.

Week Six
Student of Week - "Dylan"
Being a positive and productive team player who includes others and helps them to do their very best.
Super Effort - "Rikardo"
A positive and focused attitude towards Art activities which he missed the first two days of.

Week Seven 
Student of Week - "Joshua"
Being a fantastic team player; showing commitment, effort and excellent communication skills.
Student of Week - "Shianne"
Being a fantastic team player; showing commitment, effort and excellent communication skills.
Achievement - "Rikardo"
Outstanding progress in reading - welcome to you new group Rikardo!

Week Eight
Achievement - "Trinesh"
Excellence and outstanding effort in Basic Facts maths testing.
Achievement - "Shawney"
Excellence and outstanding effort in Basic Facts maths testing.

Week Nine
Student of Week - "Jacob"
Outstanding effort and determination running cross country.
Student of Week - "Chloe"
Outstanding effort and determination running cross country.
Student of Week - "Samuel"
Outstanding effort and determination running cross country.

Week Ten
Student of Week - "Kate"
Effort and focus in all areas of her learning from writing and reading to running cross country.
Achievement - "Devonte"
Sharing well thought out ideas and suggestions in our Rugby World Cup unit.

Term Four
Week One
Achievement - "Conor"
Reading every day during the holidays.
Achievement - "Brendon"
Reading every day during the holidays.
Achievement - "Trinesh"
Reading every day during the holidays.
Achievement - "Salmaan"
Reading every day during the holidays.

Week Two
Achievement - "Sean"
Outstanding spelling progress for 2011, moving from a spelling age of 6yr 7mth to 9 yr 3 mths.
Achievement - "Joshua"
Outstanding spelling progress for 2011, moving from a stanine 4 to a stanine 7.

Week Three
Student of Week - "Chloe"
Showing perseverance and an excellent attitude at Inter-School cross country.
Achievement - "Ben S"
Developing independence as a learner and an excellent improvement in Gloss maths test results.
Merit - "William in Room 5"
Demonstrating expert reading tutor skills when working with a junior child.

Week Four
Student of Week - "Dylan"
Demonstrating perseverance and effort with no excuses and achieving an excellent Gloss maths result.
Achievement - "Samuel"
Consistent effort and improvement in all areas of his learning. Great to see you believing in yourself!

Week Five
Student of Week - "Sean"
Being an outstanding ICT expert and willingly helping others to be the best they can.
Achievement - "Salmaan"
Developing excellent knowledge of letters and sounds and growing a great high frequency word bank.

Week Six
Student of Week - "Brendon"
Always going the extra mile in his learning.
Achievement - "Trinesh"
Effort and overall improvement in Word Work.
Super Reader - "Joshua"
Outstanding reading progress, moving up to Level 15.