Weekly Sounds

Each week we focus on specific letters and sounds.
One group works on single letter/sound relationships, e.g. "ssssss for S".
The second group recaps on the single sound and explores two letters joined together to create a single sound, e.g. the blend "br" or the diagraph "ph".

Term 1 - Week Two:
Aa - the short sound like in apple 

Words we need to know :
- at
- and
- an
- man

We can make word families using "at":
- at, cat, bat, hat, mat, fat, sat, flat, brat
Can you think of anymore?

sh - like in 'ship'
Words we need to know:
- she
- shop
- wish
- fish
- push
- should

"sh" is usually the beginning sound or the end sound of a word.

Term 1 - Week Three:
Bb - like in butterfly
Words we need to know:
- be
- big
- boy
- by
- ball

ch - like in 'chair' 
Words we need to know:
- chip
- chair
- chase
- catch
"ch" is a diagraph , the two letters come together to make a new sound, it can be at the beginning, middle or  end of a word.

Term 1 - Week Four:

Tt - like in 'television'
Words we need to know:
- to
- at
- it
- got
- not

th - like in 'thumb'
Words we need to know:
- the
- this
- with
- that
- then
- both
- Thursday
"th" is a diagraph , the two letters come together to make a new sound. "Th" can be a soft or hard sound and we have to think carefully about where we put our tongue. 
Sometimes we fiind this sound tricky and we pronounce it "f", please help us work on this.

Term 1 - Week Five:

Ss - like in 'snake'
Words we need to know:
- is
- so
- sit
- sister
- Saturday
- Sunday
- bus
"s" is often used to make something plural, e.g. one cat, two cats.

wh - like in 'wheel'
Words we need to know:
- what
- when
- where
- why
- who (but this one is tricky because it sounds like "h")
"wh" is a diagraph , the two letters come together to make a new sound. "Wh" makes the beginning of great words to start questions.

Term 1 - Week Six:

Dd - like in 'dog'
Words we need to know:
- do
- did
- Dad
- day
- and
"d" and "b" and "p" are letters that we often reverse or flip when we write them, help remind us to think about the direction we form these.

ph - like in 'phone'
Words we need to know:
- phone
- photo
"ph" is a diagraph , the two letters come together to make a new sound.

Term 1 - Week Seven:

Gg - like in 'goat'

Words we need to know:
- go
- get
- girl
- give
- good
"g" is a clever letter that usually says it's own sound like in 'goat' or 'dog' but sometimes it says 'j' like in 'giraffe' and 'giant'.

ng - like in 'sing, song, sang, sung'
Words we need to know:
- thing
- bring
"___ng" is a diagraph or chunk, the two letters come together to make a new sound. It is almost always preceded by a vowel, i.e. __ang, ___ing, ___ong, ___ung.